Bad mood
every one I need to talk 2 right now
seems 2 not be here
Nothin' 2 say
Sometimes I just think
if I wasn't me,
how'd it be there?
I find no answer
sure it'd be more better
talking 2 an old frnd is like
trying 2 remember the details about
someone u havn't seen 4 a long time
(don't mean the frnd here I'm talkin' about Me)
trying 2 remember the details about
someone u havn't seen 4 a long time
(don't mean the frnd here I'm talkin' about Me)
I was feel bad enough
I wasn't in need 2 feel that worse
waitin' 4 somethin' I dunno
Ya rab
مش عارفه أقول ايه
أتمني تبقي أحسن
I know the feeling..
talking 2 an old frnd is like reminding u of ur good memories nd how u were like those days nd then comparing urself to the present time
Hope everything is going fine wiz u now
ya raaaaaaaaaaaaaab
trust me .. being some body else can't be better ..
being u is the most good thing about u .. but u just gotta be U . if u got what i mean ..
:) please smile to ur life and the whole world will smile back to you , search for the freinds u wanna talk to and tell them that u need them .. make ure self better dont give up to the sadness .. and keep saying "ya rab "
ولا فهمت اي شي !!!
بس يـــــــــارب آميييين !!
في هالشهر الكريم
يا سلاااااام اسلوب جديد فى اخراج المشاعر الموجعه
أتمنى انك تكونى احسن
يارب تكونى بخير
يارب يامنة تكونى أحسن قريب جدا
so nice blog
happy ramadan mony
sorry 4 ur bad mood :( i know wat u r talking about cause i feel just da same ..wish u r get better soon ya gmela "hug"
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